Spokane River Rafting

Spokane Whitewater Rafting Trip Overview
The Spokane River is a great option for a day trip with the lower stretch starting less than a mile from downtown, ending the float in Riverside State Park, with an optional lunch at the end. The Lower Spokane is full of wildlife and even offers some good class III rapids with plenty of class II’s to keep it exciting! This trip is for ages 7 and up.
Price: $75.00
Date: May and June -- Water Level dependent
Time: Trips are at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Daily

Spokane Leisurely Rafting Trip Overview
This leisurely float trip is a family-friendly activity for ages 5 and above with the opportunity to see wildlife, enjoy conversation and experience some small class II rapids to keep you pleasantly cool on a warm day. There are opportunities for fun water games and several chances to take a dip! This float also begins less than a mile from downtown and ends at either the TJ Meenach bridge or the Water reclamation facility, depending on water level.
Price: $70.00
Date: Mid June - September
Time: Trip is at 10:00 am Daily